
Well, what a week this was - the delivery van arrived unexpectedly early in Grange so it was a quick load up of food into the car and back to the village hall to sort and pack the food into bags for collection. As we were so much ahead of time, members might have been surprised by the email asking if they could collect an hour earlier than normal! 

Our speed depends on van arrival time which has varied from 11am to just after 12 noon so far. We've been getting slicker and quicker each time we've done this - the process now takes us 3 hours and that's all down to the fabulous help team who have worked together so brilliantly to achieve what we have so far - big thanks go to Amanda, Joanne, Julie, Laura, Shirley and Vicky! I'm proud of what we have all achieved in this short time.

We had plenty of food to share this week, including some extras that came from the Grange Food Store - big thanks to them for that. 

There was also an extra offering of chive plants for anyone who wanted to take some to grow at home - hope they grow well for everyone. I think we may have tomato plants to offer next week too!
